Premium quality: rustic£¬ unsanded£¬ untreated 3/4 in. – thick cedar boards simply lock into corner posts without tools for a durable£¬ open-bottom frame.
Stack and expand: premium beds can be connected or stacked together to create the unique garden you’ve always wanted£¬ corner posts are routed on all 4-sides for easy assembly and expansion£¬ so adding new garden space has never been simpler
Sustainably sourced: premium cedar is harvested from managed forests£¬ naturally rot- and insect- resistant£¬ chemical-free cedar is safe for fruits and vegetables
Good to grow: the 2 longer beds are 2 ft. W x 8 ft. or 12 ft. L x 16.5 in. H£¬ while the center connecting bed is 2 ft. W x 4 ft. L x 16.5 in. H£¬ boards are 5.5 in. H£¬ routed corner posts are 2.5 in. square with 3.5 in. decorative caps
Longevity: cedar is resistant to rot and insects£¬ making it the perfect choice for your garden£¬ left organic£¬ the wood will weather nicely to a silver-gray color over time£¬ to preserve the wood apply a seal or stain of your choice
38 cu. ft. of soil needed to fill raised bed

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